Prode Properties
Properties of pure fluids and mixtures, phase equilibria, process simulation software for Windows, Linux, Android...
When introduced in 1993 Prode Properties was the first c++ thermodynamic library designed to provide advanced features as those available in process simulators within spreadsheets as Lotus 1-2-3 or Microsoft Excel. For 30 years Prode Properties has been tested by many users and the actual versions (for Windows, Linux, Android...) provide a stable and reliable platform for both everyday work and industrial applications...
Main features:
Prode Properties can be installed on Windows and Linux servers running in multi-process , multithreaded / multicore cpu systems, a few application examples:
Prode Properties adopts a unified GUI (interface) for Windows, Linux, Android... the editor permits to edit all the information ( composition, operating conditions, models, options) in all streams, solve unit operations, inspect the databases which contain the parameters for the different chemicals, calculate BIPS (with the included data regression procedure) etc.
The distribution files include several applications examples for Excel, OpenOffice, Python and other tools, herebelow an application example showing Prode Properties solving a distillation column in Excel
With Prode Properties you obtain the calculated results directly in the cells of Excel, there is no need to transfer data with complex procedures...
The distribution files include several examples for OpenOffice, these examples are based on Open Office Basic interface (see the notes on operating manual), a different interface (based on UNO) is available from Prode
Prode Properties provides a complete set of methods for calculating fluid properties and do process simulation in Python, this example shows how to obtain fluid properties in Python terminal
Prode Properties supports multithreading by design, there are no limits on number of threads, the distribution includes a desktop app (Prode Properties Tests) which allows to test the software running multiple threads
Prode Properties provides a well tested tool running on Windows, Linux, Android, IOS..., Prode Editor adopts a portable GUI based on a tabbed dialog with flickable grids, all the methods in the library adopts a standard interface
Typical applications