Prode Process Interface
Properties of pure fluids and mixtures, multi phase equilibria, process simulation, software
Title : OPC MODBUS natural gas hydrocarbons dew point thermodynamics hydrate formation software
Download the installation file, includes both 32 and 64 bit versions for Microsoft Windows.
Requires Prode Properties preinstalled.
Documentation, includes information about installation and detailed description with examples
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OPC stands for OLE for Process Controls, it is a industry wide standard that allows connectivity between different devices, software applications, control systems. In OPC the servers provide methods which other software packages, the clients, can access to exchange data, each control device, such as a PLC or DCS and instruments can exchange data.
MODBUS is an application-layer messaging protocol, it provides client-server communication between devices connected on different types of buses or networks,a industrial serial standard since 1979 MODBUS enables millions of automation devices to communicate.
Prode Properties
Prode Properties is the thermodynamic framework created by Prode, it solves problems such as physical properties data, process simulation, optimization and realtime control.
Prode Industrial Process Interface
Available in different versions since 1995 Prode industrial interface works as a bridge between the world of industrial applications and the specialized software required for calculating thermodynamic properties. Many applications need access to rigorous thermodynamic calculations and Prode interface in union with Prode Properties allows this at effective cost and in a very simple way.
Prode Interface includes :
- Prode OPC server, allows to connect external OPC clients to import and export data
- Prode OPC client, allows to connect external OPC servers to import and export data
- Prode MODBUS device, allows to connect external MODBUS devices to import and export data
the inclusion of a OPC server, a OPC client and a MODBUS device allows direct connections with almost all industrial systems including DCS, on-line instruments etc.

The Interface receives data from inline instruments such as gas chromatographs or DCS systems and returns in realtime a series of calculated values, standard version has more than 30 predefined properties (see the list below), custom versions are available for expanding the list of properties
- Hydrate formation pressure
- Hydrate formation temperature
- Critical pressure
- Critical temperature
- CricondenBar pressure
- CricondenBar temperaure
- CricondenTherm pressure
- CricondenTherm temperature
- Liquid Fraction
- Dew point temperature
- Bubble point temperature
- Flash points
- Gas heating value
- Joule Thomson coefficient
- Gas Wobbe index
- Gas specific entropy
- Gas specific enthalpy
- Gas specific heat (cp)
- Gas specific heat (cv)
- Gas speed of sound
- Gas compressibility
- Gas specific gravity
- Gas compressibility
- Gas specific gravity
- Gas density
- Gas viscosity
- Gas thermal conductivity
- Liquid specific entropy
- Liquid specific enthalpy
- Liquid specific heat (cp)
- Liquid specific heat (cv)
- Liquid speed of sound
- Liquid viscosity
- Liquid thermal conductivity
- Liquid surface tension
Custom versions can extend the features by including :
- Wax formation
- Procedures for real time simulation of equipments as distillation columns etc.
Simple and intuitive interface
The main view allows a complete control on operations:
- on the window above the program shows errors and warnings which occurred during operations
- on the window below the program creates the list of ports, the connections state, the values read/written.

During the operations different events may occur. Prode Interface includes procedures for validating data and generating error / warning messages when the program detects a possible problem. When the problem is related to one (or more) ports the program can use different colors to emphasize the row (in the list of ports) which is related with the detected problem.
Custom versions
On request Prode software is available preinstalled and tested in different types of industrial grade computers, these can be very small with rugged metal case, splash/dust resistant.

Prode Interface, technical features overview
- Standard versions are available for Windows 32 and 64 bits
- Fully customizable list for inputs (specifications) and outputs (properties to be calculated)
- more than 30 thermodynamic properties available (many additional properties on request)
- Support for up to 10 different streams, each stream supports a different list of components, thermodynamic models etc.
- Capability to relay inputs to OPC and MODBUS ports
- Customizable parameters for OPC and MODBUS ports
- Automatic diagnostic and error reporting
Prode Properties, technical features overview (Windows version)
- Entirely written in C++ (since first edition, 1993)
- Up to 100 different streams with up to 50 components per stream (user can redefine)
- Several compilations of chemical data and BIPs are available, the user can add new components and BIPs
- Proprietary compilation with data for more than 1600 chemicals and 30000 BIPs
- flexible database format (support for up to 30 different correlations) works with all majour standards including DIPPR.
- Comprehensive set of thermodynamic models, base version includes
- Regular
- Wilson
- Soave-Redlich-Kwong (standard and extended version with parameters calculated for best fitting of vapor pressure, density and enthalpy)
- Peng-Robinson (standard and extended version with parameters calculated for best fitting of vapor pressure, density and enthalpy)
- Benedict Webb Rubin (Starling) BWRS
- Steam Tables IAPWS 95
- ISO 18453 (GERG 2004)
- ISO 20765 (AGA 8 model)
- Lee-Kesler (Plocker) LKP
- CPA Cubic Plus Association (SRK and PR variants)
- Hydrates (Cubic Plus Association, Van Der Waals-Platteeuw)
- additional models as Pitzer, NRTL for electrolyte solutions, PC SAFT (with association), GERG (2008) etc.
- van der Waals and complex mixing rules to combine equations of state with activity models
- Huron Vidal
- Wong Sandler ( WS )
- Michelsen ( MHV2 )
- Tassios et al. ( LCVM )
- Base and Extended EOS versions with parameters calculated to fit experimental data from DIPPR and DDB
- Selectable units of measurement
- Procedure for solving fluid flow including multi phase equilibria and heat transfer
- Procedure for solving staged columns
- Rigorous solution of distillation columns, fractionations, absorbers, strippers...
- Procedure for calculating hydrate formation temperature and hydrate formation pressure
- hydrate phase equilibria based on different Van Der Waals-Platteeuw models
- Procedure for solving polytropic compression with phase equilibria
- Huntington method for gas phase
- Proprietary method for solving a polytropic process with phase equilibria
- Procedure for solving isentropic nozzle (safety, relief valve with single and two phase flow)
- HEM, Homogeneous Equilibrium
- HNE-DS, Homogeneous Non-equilibrium
- NHNE, Non-homogeneous Non-equilibrium
- Procedure for simulating fluid flow in piping (pipelines) with heat transfer
- Beggs and Brill and proprietary methods for single phase and multiphase fluid flow with heat transfer
- Procedure for fitting BIP to measured VLE / LLE / SLE data points (data regression)
- Procedure for fitting BIP to VLE values calculated with UNIFAC
- Functions for simulating operating blocks (mixer, gas separator, liquid separator) **
- Functions for accessing component data in database (the user can define mixing rules)
- gas / vapor-liquid-solid fugacity plus derivatives vs. temperature pressure composition
- gas / vapor-liquid-solid enthalpy plus derivatives vs. temperature pressure composition
- gas / vapor-liquid-solid entropy plus derivatives vs. temperature pressure composition
- gas / vapor-liquid-solid molar volume plus derivatives vs. temperature pressure composition
- Flash at Bubble and Dew point specifications and P (or T)
- Flash at given temperature (T) and pressure (P) multiphase vapor-liquid-solid, isothermal flash
- Flash at given phase fraction and P (or T), solves up to 5 different points
- Flash at given enthalpy (H) and P multiphase vapor-liquid-solid, includes adiabatic flash
- Flash at given enthalpy (H) and T multiphase vapor-liquid-solid, includes adiabatic flash
- Flash at given entropy (S) and P multiphase vapor-liquid-solid, includes isentropic flash
- Flash at given entropy (S) and T multiphase vapor-liquid-solid, includes isentropic flash
- Flash at given volume (V) and P multiphase vapor-liquid-solid, includes isochoric flash
- Flash at given volume (V) and T multiphase vapor-liquid-solid, includes isochoric flash
- Flash at given volume (V) and enthalpy (H) multiphase vapor-liquid-solid
- Flash at given volume (V) and entropy (S) multiphase vapor-liquid-solid
- Flash at given enthalpy (H) and entropy (S) multiphase vapor-liquid-solid
- Rigorous (True) critical point plus Cricondentherm and Cricondenbar
- Complete set of properties for different states
- gas density
- vapor density
- liquid density
- solid density
- gas Isobaric specific heat (Cp)
- vapor Isobaric specific heat (Cp)
- liquid Isobaric specific heat (Cp)
- gas Isochoric specific heat (Cv)
- vapor Isochoric specific heat (Cv)
- liquid Isochoric specific heat (Cv)
- gas cp/cv
- liquid cp/cv
- Gas heating value
- Gas Wobbe index
- Gas Specific gravity
- gas Joule Thomson coefficients
- vapor Joule Thomson coefficients
- liquid Joule Thomson coefficients
- gas Isothermal compressibility
- vapor Isothermal compressibility
- liquid Isothermal compressibility
- gas Volumetric expansivity
- vapor Volumetric expansivity
- liquid Volumetric expansivity
- gas Speed of sound
- vapor Speed of sound
- liquid Speed of sound
- vapor + liquid (HEM) Speed of sound
- gas Viscosity
- vapor Viscosity
- liquid Viscosity
- gas Thermal conductivity
- vapor Thermal conductivity
- liquid Thermal conductivity
- gas compressibility factor
- vapor compressibility factor
- liquid Surface tension
Typical applications
- Fluid properties in Excel, Matlab, Mathcad and other Windows and UNIX (**) applications
- Thermodynamics, physical, thermophysical properties
- Process simulation
- Heat / Material Balance
- Process Control
- Process Optimization
- Equipments Design
- Separations
- Instruments Design
- Realtime applications
- petroleum refining, natural gas, hydrocarbon, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, air conditioning, energy, mechanical industry